The Godfather Wiki

Welcome To The Family is the second mission in The Godfather: Blackhand Edition and The Don's Edition.



"Padrino forgive me. It's just that I'm so worried about my son, he's fallen in with some bad men... fools. He's in trouble and... please... he needs your help."
―Serafina Trapani[src]

Following the death of Johnny Trapani at the hands of Emilio Barzini and his henchmen, his son Aldo lost his way and became heavily involved with a criminal gang that operated out of Bowery. Concerned for his safety, his mother Serafina asked Don Vito Corleone for his help.

A change of lifestyle[]

Vito orders Luca Brasi, his top henchman, to find and rescue Aldo from his "petty thug bullshit". He found Aldo being beaten up by a gang of robbers when the gang leader accused him of demanding a cut from their robbery.

Luca made short work of the leader by bashing his head with a tire iron, then instructed Aldo to beat up the remaining gangsters.

The two then went downstairs and Luca told him to go rest at the Grand Apartments safehouse. He also sent one of his soldiers to accompany him and make sure he reaches the safehouse. On the way, he gave Aldo tips about being a mobster.

While on the way to the safehouse, one of the Corleone members destroys a car with a bomb. Later, two Corleone members ambush a racket truck near the safehouse. Aldo is able to reach the Grand Apartments safely and later receives a call about meeting Luca.

Behind the scenes[]

In the original game, the second mission (first if you skip the Prologue) is called The Alley and shares a lot of its story with this mission. The beating however takes place in an alleyway and you must go the safehouse on your own.

Players: (Ceremony 1: The Wedding)[]

Don Vito Corleone - Don Vito is taking a moment from his wedding responsibilities to help members of his extended family. The wedding marks the marriage of his daughter Connie to Carlo Rizzi.

Luca Brasi - Even Michael Corleone refers to Luca Brasi as a "scary guy". Although his mumbling mannerisms mask an intelligent man, usually his presence is enough to do the talking. But not on this occasion.

Saraphina Trapani - Although your mother is still beautiful, the last decade has been harrowing for her, and has left its mark. She summons the courage to plead with Don Vito for your safety.

Tom Hagen - The informally adopted son of Don Vito, Hagen was found homeless by Sonny many years ago. Since his graduation from law school, he acts as the Don's consigliere.

Players: (The Alley):[]

Luca Brasi - When executing a favor for Don Corleone, Luca Brasi uses unsubtle, slightly ponderous, but ultimately successful methods. Expect no less on this occasion.
