- "I must make my peace with God. Then, you let me die."
- ―Tattaglia Underboss[src]
This man was underboss for the Tattaglia family, possibly succeeding John Tattaglia, though it is possible they worked side-by-side.
- "It's not my Family you want, we are too weak. We carry the guns to battle but do not pull the trigger. That is the job of The Wolf, Don Barzini. Life is but fleeting, forgive me my sins."
- ―Tattaglia Underboss[src]
A veteran of numerous mob wars and a childhood friend of Carmine Tattaglia, he rose to the position of underboss following the death of Bruno Tattaglia.
In 1948, the underboss was attacked at The Tunnel Club by Aldo Trapani who was seeking leads about the death of Sonny Corleone. After pressure was put on his young girlfriend, he revealed that the Tattaglias were under the thumb of Emilio Barzini, who he referred to as the "Wolf" and "Puppet Master". The Tunnel Club was taken over by Trapani just a short while after.
Personality and traits[]
A cold-hearted veteran and master planner, he had been an associate of the Tattaglias since the beginning. He was known to be virtually unbreakable in an interrogation but was deeply committed to his mistress and would break if she was threatened. He also had a sense of the religious, he requested that Aldo let him make his peace with God before he was killed.
Behind the scenes[]
- He was portrayed by Jarion Monroe.
- His fate can be decided by the player.
- According of some of his quotes he appears to take mercy to his enemies, as he says "live is but fleeting, forgive me my sins" and he also never attacks Trapani, showing he is a man that doesn't like violence.
- It can also be seen that he is a religious man according to his quotes.
- Despite his more important role, he doesn't have any different character model than other enemy Underbosses, although his face model is almost always the same.