- "I’m a little worried about this Sollozzo fellow. I want you to find out what he’s got under his fingernails. Go to the Tattaglias, and tell them you’re not too happy with our Family, and find out what you can."
- ―Vito Corleone[src]
Sleeping with the Fishes is the fifth mission in "The Godfather: The Game".
After turning down Virgil Sollozzo's offer, Don Vito Corleone became a little concerned and sent his most trusted enforcer, Luca Brasi, on a mission to infiltrate the Tattaglia family and find out what Sollozzo was planning.
Brasi managed to gain the attention of Bruno Tattaglia by attending his restaraunt, The Luna Bar, and making it known that he was unhappy with his lot in the Corleone family. When Tattaglia arranged for a meeting between the three, Brasi called for his protege, Aldo Trapani, and strapped on his bullet proof vest before driving to Midtown.
The firefight[]
- "If anything happens, get outta here fast and find Monk."
- ―Luca Brasi[src]
Trapani waited in the nearby alleyway and watched as Brasi, Sollozzo and Tattaglia talked. He was unable to assist when a hitman whipped out a garotte wire and violently strangled Luca to death with it. However the assassin noticed him and took a shot at him. The Corleone enforcer fought his way through to the bar and eliminated the assassin, but his employers had already fled. Trapani fled back to his safehouse and successfully outran the police who were chasing after him. Shocked, he called Marty Malone, who arranged to meet him the following day at DeMantagna's Barershop.
Luca Brasi - Luca Brasi has been asked to meet with Sollozzo to pretend he's not happy with the Corleones and act as a double-agent. He's wearing a bulletproof vest, so he's certain to be safe if the Turk pulls a pistol.
Virgil Sollozzo - A rather shifty gangster and spokesman for the Tattaglia Family, Sollozzo is a loose cannon and the rival family's assassin. This thug, known as "The Turk", is reportedly very good with a knife. And an ice pick.
Bruno Tattaglia - Son of Tattaglia boss Philip Tattaglia, Bruno is here to meet with Luca Brasi. He's here to ensure the meeting goes without a hitch. He favors his Midtown bar with fish-decorated glass windows.
Mission | ||
Preceded by: A Grave Situation |
The Godfather: The Game | Succeeded by: The Don is Dead |