- "He tried to stiff me for the job so I swiped the wife's jewellery before I buried her. Here take it, just don't kill me!"
- ―Gravedigger[src]
This man was the gravedigger at St. Patrick's Old Cathedral in Little Italy.
By interrogating him, Aldo Trapani learnt that the Little Italy Police Chief had killed his wife after a fight, and paid the gravedigger to bury her, or he'd be killed by him. Before he buried her, he was able to get the late wife's jewellery off of her, and Aldo would use it to blackmail the chief.
Behind the scenes[]
- He was voiced by Chris Robson.
- The gravedigger and the blackmail missions only appear in The Godfather: The Don's Edition.
- He shares the same character model as Sal Stracci.