- "Sounds like a deal. And if you got your eye on someone, just say the sweet word."
- ―Giancarlo Maldini[src]
Giancarlo 'Sweets' Maldini was an associate of the Tattaglia family and one of their handsomest pimps.
A pimp in the employ of the Tattaglia family, Giancarlo Maldini is an inept businessman who has only managed to maintain his hold over Sammy's through fear, manipulation and his preceding reputation as a tough customer. This reputation was largely fabricated by Maldini himself and his Tattaglia bodyguards, who were loyal to a fault, something that isn't usually expected from the Tattaglias.
From 1945-1955, Maldini was bought out by Aldo Trapani for a sum of $1,600 and began paying and pimping his girls out to the Corleone family.
Behind the scenes[]
He was voiced by Ralph Peduto.
- He shares a similar character model to Angelo Granelli, the bouncer at The Full Moon and Tito Morelli.