- "I'm Esteban Antonio Almeida. I'm like you, un mafioso, but I don't hide like a coward! You're nothing but a cobadre!"
- ―Esteban Almeida[src]
Esteban Almeida was the Founder and Don of the Almeida crime family. He is closely affiliated with Fidel Castro's Government in Cuba. Esteban is the older brother of Ramon Almeida.
Born in Cuba, Esteban joined Fidel Castro and Che Guevara's rebellion along with his older brother Ramon and younger cousin Alejandro. He climbed the ranks in Castro's army, later he even became general when he founded his own crime family. His crime family was a group of ex-soldiers from Cuba.
Despite his connections to organized crime, Esteban remained loyal to Castro because of his promise of a monopoly on organized crime. He founded the Almeida crime family in 1941, backed by various Cuban, Colombian and Mexican arms smugglers, created the most feared and important crime family in Cuba. With the powerful allies, Esteban Almeida took over most of Havana in a month.
New alliances[]
Following the fall of Fulgencio Batista, Esteban made an alliance with Hyman Roth, who was determined to gain back business in Cuba at any cost. Roth secretly planned with CIA Agent Henry Mitchell to have Castro assassinated by Dominic Trapani. However, the assassination attempt failed, and Esteban declared a mob war with the Trapani family and Corleone family.

Esteban Almeida and Fidel Castro, right after Castro got shot.
After discovering Roth's treachery back in New York, the Corleones assaulted Esteban's businesses in Havana and killed Esteban during a battle in his own compound. The compound was then blown up by Dominic. After Esteban's death, his empire was taken by the Corleones.
Personality and traits[]
A stern, humourless individual, Almeida was hardened by his time as a revolutionary and as such was not afraid to be a physical presence in business takeovers if necessary. However, he lacked the cunning of the other Dons, and as such was outwitted by Hyman Roth, although Esteban still had more charisma than most.
Behind the scenes[]
He was voiced by Vic Polizos.
- He is the only enemy in the game to use a Level 4 weapon, the .700 Magnum Impact.
- Despite being Cuban and having ties to the Communist Regime of Fidel Castro, Esteban appears to be modelled after Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister.