The Godfather Wiki
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Vlcsnap-2010-06-25-23h16m47s21 "Godfather is a term used by his friends, one of affection, one of respect."
The title of this article is a nickname.

Camel Hair was a caporegime in the Tattaglia crime family.


Always known only by his nickname, he was one of the masterminds behind the hit on Vito Corleone in December 1945 and he was several under Johnny Tattaglia. When Corleone was shot by Mikey Saleri and Donnie Marinelli, Camel Hair attempted to finish the job but was fired upon by Aldo Trapani. Cornered, he took the nearby Frankie Malone as a hostage but later Aldo Trapani shot his face.

This failed to avail him, as Trapani managed to free Frankie from his grip, and then executed him before he succeeded in killing Vito Corleone.

Behind the scenes[]

  • He was voiced by Rod Gnapp with the same character model and phrases as the Tattaglia Capo. It is possible to interrogate him instead of the Capo. If so, the player might have a chance to let him live.