- "You're a man of respect. I like that."
- ―Bones Malpasto[src]
Luigi 'Bones' Malpasto was an associate of the Tattaglia family and later the Corleone crime family.
Growing up in tough Brooklyn along with Donnie Marinelli, Malpasto often hustled locals at dice. Once after winning the pot in a liar's dice game he exclaimed 'gimme all the bones!' and the nickname stuck to him like a glue. Malpasto was a low level, typical Tattaglia associate who was originally known as a legitimate banker, although his bank failed and he was instead opted to serve as a capo in the family. His skills came into use when the Tattaglias began to run their counterfeiting and candy-making operation, and Malpasto was immediately sent to Midnight Rosie's in Brooklyn, where he worked closely with it's legitimate owner, Donnie Rosencranz, who in actuality, never had any loyalties to the Tattaglias.
In 1946, the Corleone family moved into Brooklyn in order to take revenge on the Tattaglias who tried to kill Don Vito, a dirty trick pulled off by the Turkish Sollozzo and cop McCluskey the previous year. Malpasto was one of the many who changed allegiances during this time. He died of tuberculosis in 1966. His last words were "Auch, my bones hurt!".
Behind the scenes[]
He was voiced by Callum Grant and shares a character model with Paulie the Peel and Leo Grossi.