The Godfather Wiki
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This article covers a subject that has been deemed non-canon by either the creator or the The Godfather licensees, and thus should not be taken as a part of the "real" The Godfather universe.
Vlcsnap-2010-06-25-23h16m47s21 "Godfather is a term used by his friends, one of affection, one of respect."
The title of this article is a nickname.

"Thats my lucky number pal, I'll take it!"
Bingo Bartelli[src]

Bingo Bartelli was a compulsive gambler and hustler in the employ of the Tattaglia family.


A 'sleazy cardshark' who had worked for the Tattaglia family since before Prohibition, Bingo Bartelli was known to have become fixed on alcohol after Prohibition ended, and decided to run his gambling operation from Harry's Bar in Little Italy.

Also known to be a good friend of the local police chief, Bartelli's remote location on the East Side prevented his discovery, until 1945, when the Corleone family took complete control of Little Italy, and bought out Bartelli.
