The Godfather Wiki
The Godfather Wiki

"I accept your offer, tell the Corleones my loyalty is theirs."
―Antonios LaHood[src]

Antonios LaHood was the owner of Orchid Incorporated in Midtown.


"I just won 12 bucks on Antonio LaHood, he went 12 rounds!"

A lifelong botanist, LaHood allowed the Straccis to open a brothel in his backrooms to supplement his income, lamenting the decision when his shop began to lose business. Having an actual massage parlour installed upstairs did little to recover his failing business, and so LaHood was willing to hand over his cut to Aldo Trapani in the Fifties.

A few years later, LaHood's business gained further notoriety for being the location where Moe Greene met his end. Fortunately, he had the protection of both the Corleones and the police to keep him safe.

Behind the scenes[]
